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Generational Statistics
Number of families having the Franzman name: 10
Number of families where the wife is a Franzman: 18
Number of families where neither spouse is a Franzman: 143
Number of individuals who have the Franzman name: 29
Number of individuals who don't carry the Franzman name: 491
Longest generational line (The Franzman Family only) - 9

There may be more than one line this long. One is shown here.

Johann Franzmann and Katherina Hoch
Johann Franzmann and Margaretha Catwinkle
Georg Franzmann and Regina Gross
Georg Franzmann and Christina Krater
Johann Franzman and Katharine Schick
John Franzman, Jr. and Mabel Johnson
Eugene Franzman and Mary Wanstrom
Bradley Franzman and Sandra
Marie, Eric, Ryan
Longest generational line (all families) - 10

There may be more than one line this long. One is shown here.

Johann Franzmann and Katherina Hoch
Johann Franzmann and Margaretha Catwinkle
Georg Franzmann and Regina Gross
Georg Franzmann and Christina Krater
Johann Franzman and Katharine Schick
Edward Lutz, Sr. and Ida Franzman
Frederick Lutz, Sr. and Joan Hedges
Frederick Lutz, Jr. and Cynthia Haskins
Jason Lutz and Sandra Fiedler
Ashley, Emily

Created by LutzGen Technologies